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The Problems Black Men Face in America

The Problems Black Men Face in America
By Dennis S Murray Sr.

In 2008 we elected the First African American President of the United States of America and the racial issues escalated to new extremes. Negative reports were made on this scholar and professional that were unfounded and disrespectful to any man regardless of color, but color was the underlining factors and reasoning for this spike in racial activities against an African American Man with extreme prejudice.

In 2012 a majority reelected President Obama because they felt that he was leading America and the world in the right direction.  Despite the outcry of voter suppression that tried to deliberately violate ones civil rights to vote led by aging white Republicans still of the Willie Lynch era. Those majorities especially Black males continue to be deprived of equal justices in America despite our contributions made to America. Just look at the numerous inventions, land, and ideas stolen by Whites due to greed in the 1800’s and during the 1869 14th Amendment allowing Blacks and poor whites to vote.   

But during the 2012 elections Republicans wanted to reduce or minimize the 1868 14th Amendment to benefit their needs to take power from the people and overthrow the power of this African American President and Black males trying to better our country through changing their own communities from decades of disenfranchisement. The opposition still doesn’t feel that this black man or any black man could lead us once again into a pathway to regain the promise that GOD wants us to have.  

We have come too far despite the hiccups in race relations that continue to destroy a country that so many of us love as a people. We are still so divided on simple issues as they relate to helping our disenfranchised children, poverty stricken communities, underserved injustices; while destroying one another because of the color of their skin, especially when it comes to black men. Statistical data shows that young black men in the 21st Century are killing each other at an alarming rate in American history, but we need to anchor these injustices and deal with the facts that we lack a 21st century education system in these underserved communities. The pathway for liberty is a fight for liberty for all, not just for some. The media constantly talks about the middle class disappearing but no one discusses the poor as real citizens of America. They have been eliminated from our conversations.                

However, when you examine an African American Male activist like Bruce Carter of the Campaign4Education in Dallas, Texas demonstrating the power too change lives across America by feeding and educating some Two Hundred Thousand youth across Region VI being defamed for his work by Becky Oliver an investigated reporter of the local media organization of Fox 4 in Dallas, Texas. Intentionally overlooking his work campaigning for youth justice in and out the class room as well as the community. What does this say about us as a people for change when we attack the good in a person and there humanity for social justice? Despite the label of discontent towards Mr. Carter and what he was doing for thousands of youth during the summer of 2011 we continue to see our builders of democracy torn down.

We witnessed this Black man being run through the mud in Texas as if he was a communist with disruptive intentions to not save our children in America or too love it. In the 21 Century we still witness injustices toward a Black man, some warranted but when Wall Street Executives of injustice whom has attempted to destroy our nations financial institutions by greed once again we don’t prosecute them but go after and intentionally destroy an activist like Bruce Carter and his mission to save Region V1 communities from destruction of ancestral cures of slavery.

Several mandates regarding Charter Schools and education were subject to voters across America for the purpose of helping our children learn without being engaged in criminal activity in their schools of learning. You can be for or against Charter Schools that better those little precious lives we are given, but the bigger question is it producing great students. That is the question! We never hear about violence’s from the media in our Charter Schools because we have witnessed discipline that is engrained in these institutions of learning and our students. So why do we see attacks on another activist of learning, a NFL legend and an inductee into the Hall of Fame Mr. Deion Sanders. The attack on this Black icon through AP and Brett Shipp of Channel 8 in Dallas, Texas another white investigative reporter regarding his Charter School is counterproductive when he is capturing the minds of our youth through education and empowerment.

With out getting into any details, why is the Associated Press (AP) and Brett Shipp of Channel 8 violently attacking Mr. Sanders whom has done an exemplary job in rebuilding our communities, while dealing with the disruptive violence of bullying in the schools? With his busy schedule he partnered with Mr. Carter and other activist at a local high school in Duncanville, Texas along with the compassion of Verzion Wireless took action to tackle Bullying. Fully understanding the adverse effects of bullying these two icons and others during the summer of 2011 was able to reach over 500 youth in one weekend to eliminate school violence, teen pregnancy, drop-out disparities, and more in the class room.

Why is the AP, Fox News, Belo Corporation, US World News, and others not telling the stories of encouragement of the Black men that are laboring everyday with our youth in building alliances regarding our children solely because they care?

We continue to segregate this nation and our children allowing race to destroy what “Abe Lincoln” felt when he “abolished slavery”, ignoring that John F Kennedy was assassinated because he wanted to help the poor’, forgetting how “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.” brought a nation together to “March on Washington, DC” for the people, or the lack of respect for “Minister Louis Farrakhan” whom demonstrated the will to bring the “1 Million Man to March in Washington. DC. Was all this for nothing?

When Activist like Mr. Bruce Carter, Mr. Deion Sanders, Mr. Roussan Etienne Jr., Mr. Cory Baskerville, Dr. Victor Mbaba, Mr. Cobby Mondale Williams, Young Shaun Veema, Young Mr. Jess Andrews, and others who continue to fight for the impoverished and underserved in American and the world.                                                              

14th Amendment, 1868 (Voting Rights in the United States)
Businessman Claims Fox TV Defamed Him (Bruce Carter), By Jamie Ross


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