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Why Are we so Unsure

Why Are we so Unsure
By Dennis S Murray Sr.

 The 2012-13 election process has divided this country more than ever with Republican’s refusing to do business with President Obama for the past 4 years and many of them feel that they rather see this country fall to its knees while the countries debt erodes and destroys more families. Many Republican stated that they will not work with President Obama on anything despite families losing everything they own. Our political elected official has put their priorities first before the people that elected them. Both parities have crippled this country with greed on Wall Street, Banking Institutions, and expense corporate lobbying techniques.

This country has been hit with storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and our infrastructure is 60 years old and counting. But greed has been our downfall in this country because no one wants to fix the problem without their hand getting dirty. In 2009 we bailout the Banks, Wall Street, and the Auto industry but to this day the 89% are being bury underground with debt. Millions of families have lost they homes in 2007 sense then many are still losing their homes in 2012. Why are we so unsure about helping those that have sacrifice so much but these elected officials are still asking them to sacrifice even more, when county officials in Atlanta, Georgia and other states are voting to give themselves a raise of 49 to 50% while our American Veterans are not getting they disability benefits payments and losing their homes, health, and more. Some Veterans has been waiting over 25 years for service connecting benefits payments, but our elected officials want a raise.  

This should outrage the 89% of the American people, whom many don’t have any jobs or jobs that can substance there families and those that have jobs haven’t gotten a raise in 7 years while the price of good and services goes up dramatically in this stormy economy Greed and selfishness plays a big role in politics while the our so call none existence middle class is the poor in today’s world of destruction.

The Washington, DC regions this past summer was a victim of Mother Nature heavy hand while a massive storm came through and wipe out the power, trees, and homes for weeks while the Federal government shut down its operations as well. This left the undeserved without basic goods and services to be productive during the storm outages. Many were told by Pepco and other power companies that you had to wait days or weeks until the power was fixed however, these same power companies were charging for power services that they were not rendered during the storm. This seems to be illegal, wouldn’t you think! Perhaps this will be translated to the Eastern Regions where hurricane Sandy landed on October 30, 2012 dropping tons of water and destruction on the lives of everyday person in it way. This storm left 8 million residences without power, food, transportation, health care, and more while Mayor Bloomberg decided to have their Annual New York City Marathon despite lost of life, destruction's, and homeliness that hurricane Sandy caused. But the voices of New York were heard and Mayor Bloomberg caved in and did the right think for the people.

Politics is working at its best in New York, while many people especially the Republicans and the Tea party moment feels that government shouldn’t interfere in the lives of helping people evening if there are under a rock. The media has recorded people all across the Eastern regions requesting that the government do more in helping them but these very people are the ones that don’t want government intruding on their lives. Why are we so unsure about what role we want the government to place in our lives? It always seems practical when it benefits your needs first or are you allow too pick and chose your poison when it comes to government services. We can’t have it both ways. Many Congressional members want to eliminate Welfare, Medicare, and other Social programs despite some great reason why we should eliminate some of that waste; but we should also eliminate Congressional waste spending on lavish trips and other amenities that Congress enjoys at taxpayers expense with Wall Street bankers.   

The FAT CATS WALL STREET BANKERS should have step up and help these people not only in the Eastern Regions but across America that have been devastated by destruction in the past 3 years. We saw the Walls Street Exchange building power up the next day, before any other businesses in New York City saw daylight, they were in business and trading while Mayor Bloomberg rung the opening bell. Many businesses were not so lucky to have their business up and running the next day, but despite there destruction those small business were out helping others in there communities with what ever they had to offer. We haven’t seen or heard from Wall Street Business paying it forward in these times of crisis yet.  

Corporate American and our elected politicians are so blind to reality with an unbalance approach to securing the American people problems, however we saw a glimmer of hope when Republican Governor Christie of New Jersey and President Obama as they united as one to meet the needs of New Jersey citizens. Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, New Jersey was knocking on doors and using social network to help the people of his city. He wasn’t looking to help Republicans or Democratic he just offered his help hand like he has done for years as the Mayor of his city. But sense President Obama has been in office the Tea party Republicans and others Republicans decided that they wouldn’t work with him period as the first African American President. These Republicans decided early in 2008 that they would do everything in their power to stop his progress in helping the American people to succeed.

Election Day is November 6th and on November 7th we will still have the same problems regardless of who is elected, with people without sustainable jobs, continuous foreclosures, and job lost in a world surrounded around politics and greed, not people’s rights. The poor is the middle class now and those that were just poor are just poorer.


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