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Showing posts from November, 2011

Committing To the Our Children is the First Step in healing America

Editorial Statement Lead Organizer, Lifelines to Healing Campaign PICO National Network             Rev. Michael McBride Even if politicians don’t want to talk about the barriers facing urban youth, we need to! We’re kicking-off this national campaign to save a generation of young people from violence, joblessness and prison with a huge public action meeting hosted by the Micah Project, the local PICO federation. Thousands are expected to attend – including 500 clergy from across the country and buses from as far away as Birmingham and Orlando. All the key decision-makers including New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu have committed to show up -- except the U.S. Department of Justice. Will you help us fill this empty seat by calling the Department of Justice today? For too long, too many elected officials and the media have been silent as more and more of our young people are put behind bars. Strong public leadership from ...

What Is Congressional Members, President Obama, and Corporations Doing to hirer Veterans

I am a Veteran that served my country and was proud too. However, veterans are not getting the help needed in this country to survive what they have gone through in battle and elsewhere. Veterans Day is November11, 2011 and the celebration for our courageous men and women that didn’t blink in action need you to step up. Business owners or Recruiters hired veterans that can achieve the challenges that your company is facing now. Don’t just celebrate Veterans Day at the Malls or go to a parade, become a lifeline to get Veterans on his or her feet. Help one take care of himself and his family and you will feel better about your self because you cared. We have many qualify veterans available to achieve the goals and meet your expectations NOW ... Stop looking the other way and hirer one or two of these courageous veterans.  

Editorial Comments/Statements :To All Americans:

To All Americans: By Bruce Carter It is evident that America as read in the constitution is not the America we live in. When state employees commit perjury, tamper with witnesses, obstruct justice and potential bribery and its just another day at the office what has America become or is this what it has been all the time. These actions are all in part to terminate the contract of Wag Program in the State of Louisiana and oppression is the leading ingredient. Wag didn't waste, abuse or misuse funds they only said more could and should be done for the children matter of fact Wag served children and employed individuals in Louisiana the entire summer and did not and has not received one cent from the Louisiana Department of Education. Director John.Dupree under oath confirmed that an executive employee of the State of Texas contacted him in reference to Wag Program which only fed children and attempted to provide hope to a group of oppressed people. The same John.Dupree under oat...

America Has Turn its Back on Our Veterans

By Dennis S Murray Sr. What has this country come to when men and women whom have left there homes and entered into a world of service with know return. Sense World War I men and women have fought for this country only to come home alienated from society and the world. Just visit a Veterans Hospitals (VA) waiting room, clinic, and unemployment office      and you will witness the disappointment and outcry for the lack of real assistance and it inaccuracy. Too many Veterans across this country have lost everything after serving their country thereafter, while America Corporate greed and Government has turned their backs on them except when it comes too Veteran’s Day when the retail outlets are having a sale; city/town or county is having a parade; the President elect or elected officials are placing a reef for our honorable warriors at cemeteries nationally. Why are so many Veterans homelessness, unemployed, and lack of real health care in America? Each time these...