To All Americans:
By Bruce Carter
It is evident that America as read in the constitution is not the America we live in. When state employees commit perjury, tamper with witnesses, obstruct justice and potential bribery and its just another day at the office what has America become or is this what it has been all the time. These actions are all in part to terminate the contract of Wag Program in the State of Louisiana and oppression is the leading ingredient. Wag didn't waste, abuse or misuse funds they only said more could and should be done for the children matter of fact Wag served children and employed individuals in Louisiana the entire summer and did not and has not received one cent from the Louisiana Department of Education.
Director John.Dupree under oath confirmed that an executive employee of the State of Texas contacted him in reference to Wag Program which only fed children and attempted to provide hope to a group of oppressed people. The same John.Dupree under oath stated that no matter what paperwork was presented that he would still want the contract terminated. Then it was obvious this wasn't about money is was about power, the abuse of power and not wanting a person or organization that was going to maximize the program and empower the people with knowledge. Ironically when I arrived in Baton Rouge I made a right turn on 3rd street and to my left saw writing inside of a building that stated "Each time a person stands up for an ideal ,or acts to improve the lots of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." Robert F. Kennedy
On yesterday I received a call asking if I had spoke with Rick Perry because he wants to take a Sledge Hammer to Washington and I represent Sledge Hammer Coalition. The answer was no I have not spoke to him directly but information has been sent to his office I stated but before Rick Perry takes a Sledge Hammer to Washington he should take a Wrecking Ball to Austin, Texas. We fully intend on taking Sledge Hammer Coalition to Washington and to the minds of the American people and voters. It is clear that Americans only matter to Politicians when it is time to vote and the 12 months leading up to the vote. Sledge Hammer will educate the voters on candidates history, tendencies, character, integrity if they have it, and we will Occupy the Minds of the Voters.
Its apparent that the behavior of these state agencies have been condoned for so long with lack of oversight: hence when an employee has the entitlement that they can and will by any and all means get rid of people and organizations they don't want to deal with. Well here is our response to your behavior if the proper authorities or agencies don't do their job WAG know longer wants to do business with you but we will make sure moving forward that the people know what you are doing and what you are not doing. Sledge Hammer will be a watch dog for all Americans; to ensure that children, educators, and everyday Americans have a opportunity to live out the True American Dream. As always we are prepared to provide witnesses, affidavits, audio, video and American citizens but most of all the Truth.
Which one is worst OPPRESSION or SLAVERY?
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