By-Dennis S Murray Sr. For centuries we have witness Democratic and Republicans fighting about issues that have destroyed America values and harm the people they are suppose to serve. Meanwhile, the national and local news media outlets is covering the current 2016 Presidential elections process and we are being blind sided by issues that really matter to the Americans people while both side destroy our way of life. Millions and perhaps billions of dollars will be spent to trash one another while the major advertising companies rake in the campaign dollars to create massive ratings. Furthermore, our undeserved communities of young people and their families are still starving for nutritional food supplies, lack of accurate and fair education, homelessness, and more. ...
provide a full range of services that include: conference planning, special events projects, creative services, graphics/digital/coding, exhibits, motivational speech platform, policy and regulations organizational development, literary communications (publishing-printing-tip sheets, press releases, speech writing) and the development of featured short stories in all categories, etc.