By-Dennis S Murray Sr.
For centuries we have witness Democratic and Republicans fighting
about issues that have destroyed America values and harm the people they are
suppose to serve. Meanwhile, the national and local news media outlets is covering
the current 2016 Presidential elections process and we are being blind sided by
issues that really matter to the Americans people while both side destroy our
way of life. Millions and perhaps billions of dollars will be spent to trash one
another while the major advertising companies rake in the campaign dollars to
create massive ratings.
Furthermore, our undeserved communities of young people and
their families are still starving for nutritional food supplies, lack of
accurate and fair education, homelessness, and more.
But we continue
to vote in these lifeless politicians into office.
From national to local office each Democratic and Republican
candidate wants your vote and will do and say anything to get it, but do their really
or will they change the poverty and violence that plague this nation in our communities.
We have witness our babies being killed on the streets of South and North side
of Chicago, Detroit,
Washington, DC; Baltimore,
MD; Oklahoma City,
Ferguson, MO;
Sandy Hook; Newton, Conn; and more. Often our babies are killed
in the comfort of their own homes with massive shooting and murder in our
school system nationwide; but we still spend millions and perhaps billions of
dollars on elections that give us no hope and pay’s the President $400,000 per
year, while poverty destroys us all.
Our pride as a citizen in America
has been challenged and at times terminated because we don’t care anymore about
the underserved in this country or we are numb to the process in America. To many whys!
Why in America do
we treat our Veterans like third class citizens constantly hiding the truth by
shedding official documents (IG Report: VA
HAS Been Shredding Documents Needed for Veteran Claims) by Stars and Stripes-
Dianna Cahn: instead of saving their lives the VA Medical Hospitals and
Department of Veteran Affairs are allowing our Veterans to die slowly?
Why in America
do we allow states to rip off the Federal government educational funds that are
supposed to be used to educate all of our children; but our undeserved and
disenfranchised are left behind. Politicians constantly make claims that they
will stop the raping of our educational funds.
But, what happen to “NO Child Left Behind” or “My Brothers
Keeper”? In many cases in state government officials shift or transferred educational
funds away from our children's schools in order to please their own agenda? In
24 States, they share royalties used to fund public education for Land and
Water usage and many keep ripping off the public with the building of golf
courses and other none essential education projects. The political process also
keeps shortchanging our youth education by passing laws to rip them off legally.
Why in America
do we treat each other as if we are living in slavery with the Klu Klux Klan running
rapture, while our Supreme Court Justice system argues for us and takes away
our rights and liberties? Why do we need more bathrooms to separate a race or
gender of people that is constantly confused daily about who they are while
allowing others to trample on our belief along with the removal of praying in
our schools? We still have schools in the south that have separate graduation
for Black and White students, along with water foundations for blacks and
whites. We are dying as a people instead of celebrating the spirit of life as a
What are we doing to our country that was giving to us by
God and matured by Native Indians only to be destroyed by the political elite
for greed? Why has President Obama allowed after seven (7) plus years Wall
Street and its millionaire elite club to walk away from destroying Americans
homes, bank accounts, and retirement funds without them suffering like millions
of Americas have?
Many Americans still haven’t healed from the 911; Iraq War
plus; New Orleans Katrina; 2008 financial crisis and more. However, many will
never heal from this pain. But the media, congressional members, and our President
don’t really care about what happens to the disenfranchised because they are
safe for all the mess in this country while the Veteran men and women fighting
and dying only to come home to fight a political process at the Veteran
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