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The Hemp Conference
By Dennis S Murray Sr.

Saturday November 2, 2019 numerous Industrial Hemp and Cannabis farmers, buyers, and agricultural professionals descended on Charlotte, NC at the Westin Hotel hosted by Hemp Industries Association to strategize on the new USDA policy regarding the Hemp and Cannabis industry. As we pulled up to the valet and walked in I was accommodated by Henry D Jones, CEO of Georgia Veteran Hemp Industrial Association (GVHIA) and we were greeted by Morris Beegle, President of the Colorado Hemp Company and Preston Whitfield, Director of Hemp Operation in Denver, Co.

My first interview was with Jillian Hishaw Esq., who was the keynote speaker; when Ms. Hishaw made her final remarks to the audience, I approach Ms. Hishaw and asked her the tough questions as the Founder, CEO of Family Agriculture Resource Management Service  

Question 1: is the licensing cost to potential produces and growers of hemp skyrocketed to estimate of 1 millions dollars and does this skink the field or competition of interest to others especially minorities and people of color!

Question 2: If so has the field of grower’s skink and are we are going witness a discrimination lawsuit in the hemp industry like we witness with underserved African American farmers with USDA’s Pigford 1 and 2.
Replied, Attorney Hishaw, yes to all the above! If we are not already there. 

As I walk about the conference halls with my cane in one hand and my recorder in the other I met up with Ryann Hinch, of the Hemp Industries Association who was standing in the background while interviewing Attorney Hishaw Esq.……… Ms. Hinch wanted to thank Attorney Hishaw for attending as their speaker, simply because she had invited her. Ms. Hinch had engaged Attorney Hishaw from a former event, she had attended and wanted her to speak at this conference as well as thank her personally. All three of us engaged in conversation about the industry and spoke about the various lawsuits they had won regarding the policy and regulations related to the industry. I didn’t press on for more details but Ms. Hinch confirmed that they had won there cases.

In the conference room I witness less than ½ percent of minority’s audience in attendances. Another conversation led to how minorities always seem to be less informed or never informed of the magnitude and the potential profits and value of hemp Intellectual properties in the industry. I suppose! 

As it relates to Georgia among other southern states numerous farmers will be eligible if you ask the people around the states because it seems that the powerful in those state capital offices are more likely to share with each other rather their own constituents. In Georgia it’s more likely that only six license growers will have the opportunities from the thousands of large and small farmer’s growers in the region.

In a late conversation with Attorney Hishaw Esq., John Gethers Managing, Partner Alternative Capital; and Henry Jones, CEO of GVHIA

Questions 3 “How will this affect minority farmers that want to embark in this billion or Trillion dollar industry?

Everyone pause! But, Mr. Gethers words were of arguer.

As I moved along the hallway I discover that there wasn’t any higher learning institutions representative in the room.  

You would think that high learning institutions would have an interest in doing cloning and genetic Research and Development (RD) testing on their campuses. But, how will all this play out across America, now that these institutions could have an interest. USDA the policy makers and the Office of Partnership Public Engagement (OPPE) “2501 programs” will probably want to play a role in this industry with it various R&D programs in all of their connected higher learning institutions. Will USDA provide a pathway for these institutions to become stakeholders in this industry sense Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS); has a research faculty in Beltsville, Maryland.

With USDA, DEA, and HHS strangle hold on the policies; any lawsuits against USDA with its already overwhelming litigation over decades will add fuel to the fighter with Congressional testimony regarding Hemp heading to your door steps. However, all these problems before Hemp legislations get to your city/town/state. Are we going too admit or witness any foul play even with our institutions? The history of hemp will grow so that all may have stake in the process.     
Hemp is a fiber and oil-seed crop which is deeply roots in American history from being illegal to becoming legal in a number of states while under strict USDA and municipalities guidelines. It can be grown as a renewable source for raw materials that can be incorporated into thousands of products, including textiles, paper products, animal foods, construction materials, health foods, organic body care, and nutraceuticals. Today, consumer is all over the nation; increasingly embrace the innovative and sustainable potential of this marvelous plant! Learn more by going to and  


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