What do the 2025 President's policies look like?
Written by Dennis S Murray Sr
From 1968-present each President elected has recruited many of the same professionals to their cabinet administrative staff and those professionals haven’t brought any new solutions to ending child and community hunger, gun violence in our schools, vastly improve generational poverty, eliminating black farmers discrimination at USDA with disparities of funding between whites farmers, age discriminations or ageism which is a contributing factor to early deaf because they feel useless in society, passing comprehensive criminal bills to eliminated guns violence from infesting disenfranchised communities and those with mental health and social problems, secure Veterans benefits especially those Veterans from the Vietnam War and prior conflicts of war with the overhauling of the VA system, totally eliminate human sex trafficking along adopting measures to increase funding in making the felony too exceed over $100,000.00 in fines and given the sex-trafficker's thirty plus years to life in prison, control the nation economics ego system that is contributing to drawth and climate issues that has been killing a vast amount of our planet and the US food supply with destructive weather patterns, along with additional infrastructure landscape legislation to deal with aging roads, sewer pipeline systems, and those bridges collapsing nationally.
Each president-elected campaign ad creates mystic or magical outcomes that many Americans hope and expect to see changes in their communities but it never happens as we proceed because the fabric of our nation is hidden from us because of political buffoonery from Congressional members of both sides especially the present-day Republicans that is corrupt. Furthermore, our politicians continue to give nepotism for corporate political interests in this country. At the same time, 85% are left with the same old slogan that many Americans have heard throughout political elections in history, especially those Black and Brown voters. Presidential candidates campaign that we are in this together, but WE are not together”. This talking point is as old as George Washington; frankly, underserved communities have had enough of this slogan as it is preached throughout every election cycle and in our churches. Millions watch the historical 2024 Democratic National Convention held in Chicago, IL passing the baton to Vice President Kamala Harris who accepted the Democratic nomination to be our next 48th President of the United States of America but the irony of it all is that VP Harris was the first black woman to be VP and when elected to the Presidency will become the first to hold both positions as a black woman in the US in less than four years.
We expect to call her Mama President Harris to the world as our NATO allies watch our elections closely to see if she will reshape this union as if America has won the lottery, but what would that lottery ticket look like for all Americans? Is it more of “Yes We Can” with everyone winning the lottery with Mama President Harris 2025 even though we have Democratic Senators like Manchin who stymy former President Obama's passing of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act a bill that would modernize and revitalize the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and strengthen the legal protections against discriminatory voting policies something Obama left on the card table with spades and kings for the Trump Republicans took flight and Former President Trump escalating his power into the White House as he utilized his office as a private ATM piggy bank running his administration like most dictators making his staff bow down to his feet as Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump extract billions from foreigner power brokers selling America to the highest bidder right in front of our faces while do nothing Congress say nothing about it. Republican Governors begin to suppress the vote to kill regulatory issues and policies that are harmful in killing our populations setting us back to the stone age with Trump’s 2025 Project plan as he campaigns for President.
Black and Brown communities expect more despite some letdowns from former President Obama, and many of us were left in the cold even though he left office leaving straight aces of legislation on the card table for former President Trump to oppose while millions were dying from COVID-19 and Trumps false hope, only caring for himself and answering to nobody despite being impeached twice and breaking all types of laws and regulations making America the laughingstock of the world stage with our NATO allies portraying him like a fish out of water in their minds during the NATO leaderships Summit. Many tried during the former Obama presidency like Professor Michael Eric Dyson's outspoken literacy geniuses criticized Obama for not embodying the needs of underserved communities who were left behind after using his slogan “Yes We Can” but to his credit Republicans and Mitch McConnell dragged Obama through the mud even though Obama bail out the banks and corporate America thus leaving homeowners to bankruptcy, 401k investment, retirement, and lifesaving depleted; leaving thousand Americans drowning in debt with no lifeline as we watched Wall Street and Jamie Diamond and other financial Hedge Fund Managers using the economic crisis to lather their oversized pockets putting greedy investors at the hem of destroying our economy with fraudulent activity even some Congressional members took part in the greed during this 2007-08 economic crises. But, government exposures of Illinois 2014 Flint Michigan’s water system poisoned thousands of citizens despite eliminating accountability in making the Obama Administration look weak while our babies in Flint were getting sicker from lead poisoning despite using a water filtration system which was too late for many.
Perhaps, Obama didn’t want to ruffle the feathers of his home state and those who poured millions of dollars into both of his presidential campaigns something we will never know why it took so long to hold the Michigan government accountable and why the water is still harming our babies among this underserved community of Flint. Why did the state of Michigan not care enough now that former President Obama continued to reside in Chicago after the White House among other places but the youth of Chicago’s deaf rate continued to rise as the killing of each other on the streets every day has not ended. However, the hope that there is some political will for relief, should come from our former black president in helping to adopt change by now instead of more children dying. What happened to the deposit in him and would he encourage our justice systems to do more from a system that is broken? Where are the justice mechanics and why are they not making that same deposit in these youth even with the racist rants that Obama faced when he delivered that State of the Union address to the world making Blackman look weak in the eyes of the world? Can we hear the words from Professor Connell West a literacy giant and a black man historian who also wanted to help Obama make a symbolic pledge to do more for black people in America although he too had to shave the truth while in office?
We expected more for black people as we prepared for VP Kamala Harris to become our 48th President. Unlike Obama, Harris's energy seems to persuade Black, Brown, and White people that we are truly in this pool together as our 48th President in 2025. Americans expect to make this deposit again on the sole of Black and Brown Americans who still need to heal from inflationary price gauging, discrimination, and bigotry, and free us with economic freedom of hope that Mama President 2025 is courageous enough to make our black and brown populations in 2025 solutions for a future that exceeds our grandchildren.
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