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Showing posts from 2025

The Manchurian Secret Cyber Attack and what it means

Written by Dennis S Murray Sr  This country and the world are under a Secret Cyber Attack from within the United States government with the help of Elon Musk and DOGE as the chief architect in collecting government data that is not normally open to a non-citizen or public citizen with proper clearance from the US government. They have cut regulations within the US federal government and unlawfully collected citizens' data despite the current lawsuit against the offenders, with the lack of guardrails in collecting this sensitive data of government employees, to include personal credit report, social security number, medical records, financial records, and home address.   They have also infiltrated government agencies like the Pentagon and numerous agencies within as if they drop a Manchurian candidate man and women as department heads, with most of them planning close-door strategic military operations for the benefit of selling to the highest buyer. They are robbing our gove...


by Dennis S Murray Sr Blacks have been singing our old spiritual hums dating back to slavery. For centuries, the underserved have struggled in society but, in less than a month, this administration has dismantled the lives of minorities and whites with Project 2025 guidelines to keep the power elites that own 90% of the wealth in America, duped by voters in the 2024 election to see Project 2025 as their truth but MAGA voters scrambling to the demise excepting a dose of their own medicine of falsehoods with a study dose of increase poverty among their marginalized community before their eyes as there saving account become penniless. These billionaire oligarchs juke the MAGA voters to no end in 2024, leaving them to fight among family members. Review Frank Miller's graphic novel in 2006, made into the movie called 300 Spartans, the Battle of Thermopylae, where King Leonidas and 300 Spartans fought against the wealthy Persian army. I hope you have seen this film and understand the pow...

What is happening to the nation (Facing the Nation's of discourse)

The nation is destroying what is left of democracy not just for Black but for all those minorities that W.E.B DuBois, Martin Luther King Jr, Thurgood Marshall, Mega Evans, Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, Chief Joseph ( Nez Perce), and more who felt that this country was dishonest, incompetent, and greedy to disdain of others from their right to freedom.


EMOTIONAL TIMES IN BLACK HISTORY "TRAILBLAZERS" FIGURES by Dennis S Murray Sr Before praying every morning, I start my day, walking down the hallway, greeted by a large portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on my wall filled with inspirations that help me identify my commitment as a black man of history. Watching him think allows me to continue the mission and dream about the future of Blacks and minorities in America that has suffered injustices and cruelty in America’s society. I used to wonder why as a youth growing up in Long-island, New York listening to some of the ugliness outside my neighborhood and unable to have conversations with my father who was born in St. Croix Virgin Island formerly known as the Danish West Indies in 1848 a place filled with racial unrest and bigotry during his children in 1919 hood however, my older sisters in 1968 were more vocal about civil rights, discrimination, and lynching that was still happening in the south during the 19 th t...

Decades of Transformation "Read One Teach One” Youth Literacy and Communication" "Youth Justice Reform and Education" 'Value of a Life Campaign"

Over decades I brought value to the growing mission and vision of non-profits and the private sector as an advocate for children K-12 and college students without selling you anything. My position as a Chief Executive Director with influences in agribusiness, literature, and its multi-mass media industries both domestically and internationally. We launched decades of our “ Read One Teach One ” program i.e. photo of our winning debate team also included our “ Youth Literacy and Communication programs with topics related to “ Youth Justice Reform and Education ” and more to create opportunities for thousands of youths in all disciplines of STEM along with our “ Value of a Life Campaign ” that challenged and encouraged underserved communities to rebuild their lives from generational poverty, by using our tools and publishing youth manuals. HBCUs and 1890 students who now grace the classroom came from 8 states and 17 northern and southern counties where YDACBINC programs started and...