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by Dennis S Murray Sr

Blacks have been singing our old spiritual hums dating back to slavery. For centuries, the underserved have struggled in society but, in less than a month, this administration has dismantled the lives of minorities and whites with Project 2025 guidelines to keep the power elites that own 90% of the wealth in America, duped by voters in the 2024 election to see Project 2025 as their truth but MAGA voters scrambling to the demise excepting a dose of their own medicine of falsehoods with a study dose of increase poverty among their marginalized community before their eyes as there saving account become penniless. These billionaire oligarchs juke the MAGA voters to no end in 2024, leaving them to fight among family members. Review Frank Miller's graphic novel in 2006, made into the movie called 300 Spartans, the Battle of Thermopylae, where King Leonidas and 300 Spartans fought against the wealthy Persian army. I hope you have seen this film and understand the power of fighting evil. You can see my visions of the Black and Brown population being cast aside like an old newspaper, wondering what hit you over your head as the Musk and Trump administrations overthrew the basic principles of humanity and put your rights as citizens at risk, regardless of your affiliation or who you voted for. Perhaps Congressman, Senator Mitch McConnell is too senile to fight for this country, or has he made peace with the devil, filling his war chest with treasure over decades in Congress, some forty years? It is too late to throw in the towel when you have done so much damage to this country because you wanted to stay in power, therefore, he doesn’t get a pass because he has always voted for the rich to continue to stripe the poor of their liberties in Kentucky underserved population while enjoying his billion-dollar carousel riding over and over again.

Every American standing to boycott this administration has no ticket to participate in the destruction of America, even if you are a white male or female you will become disenfranchised or labeled a DEI underserved, eliminating qualified Blacks from the equation with fewer injustices from a movement of rich insensitive aliens that wants to abolish us as a people from the earth, just like King Leonidas portrayed by Gerard Bulter, who leads 300 Spartans against the Persians army by Xerxes. But this is not a movie; it is real-life happening to everyday people and now we are seeing the KKK billionaires without their sheets to fuel the flames of overwhelming poverty. Your eyes and ears are not playing jokes with you in 2025, and this is chapter one of this horror story, melting your total existence away like the earthquake in Haiti. At the same time, the major news outlets are demonstrating Hitler and Putin's destruction of the free press by firing credible Journalist anchors like Joy Reid from MSNBC to silence a democracy that was never intended for us anyway.  The Constitution was built on lies written and signed by powerful slave owners on September 17, 1787, some two hundred and three years ago, with congressional members in 2025 doing much of the same. Both Republicans and Democrats are letting Mush delete every federal government agency, leaving Washington, DC a ghost town of senseless neglect of their oath of office as they kiss the ring of our current leaders who intended to eliminate any laws or the constitution with the Supreme Court in their pocket. Al Capone, Richard Nixon, Freddie Forman, Angelo Bruno, and Clarence Thomas are real-life gangsters.

America's elite has always honored and benefited the white society, ask the Native Indians who were native to this land long before any white immigrant settlers or slaves but, were wiped out by white government officials through policies like the Indian Removal Act that forced relocation so they could ration off Native Indian's land to white immigrant settlers despite and leaving everyone else nothing despite the lies of promising of 40 acres and mule refers to former enslaved African American after the Civil War, another lie with Andrew Johnson rescinded the order and returning the land to the Confederacy southerners. The white government had no intention of helping free slaves that built this country with free labor, keeping some enslaved in Texas nearly two and a half years later.

We are invoking hate while dismantling and striping honorable people from portions with a deeper dive in the toilet in 2024-25, with approximately 5% of Fortune 500 companies eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs within weeks after the election as Trump, Musk, and the Republican loyalist force the following corporations Walmart, Pepsi, GM, Google, Disney, GE, Intel, PayPal, Chipotle, Comcast, and many more to succumb and kiss the ring. DEI has always benefited white women who thought they were to survive the army of aristocrats, but they are not spared either. Financial reports indicate five of the wealthiest billionaires and their corporations--Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Tesla will increase their net worth by an estimated $75 billion-plus in tax breaks when Congress and the President sweeten the pot to satisfy demands from corporate lobbyists to reinstate a provision repealed under the 2017 Trump tax law on the backs of the poor. This means that the wealth gap will widen with billionaires becoming trillionaires, setting off modern-day slavery in America, the land of the haves and have-nots, with higher learning institutions becoming outliers in America. Walmart, which employs 91% of minority workers, will lower their wages in the nation where 85% of them will lose their lively hood and this nation will become a food desert with the sawing grocery prices of eggs, butter, milk, gas, and more will be out of reach to the everyday consumer.  From 1958 to 61, food lines were the norm, but in 2025, food lines will be common for everyday stables, with children going hungry and families feeling the impact for the next four years, with more grocery shelves looking empty, leaving your home pantry bare.  

Several box corporations have been using AI for decades, with self-checkout counters forcing consumers to bag and count their groceries despite skyrocketing prices on those goods daily. I expect more box stores like Dollar Tree, Dollar Store, and Dollar General will ultimately follow suit by deleting cashiers and replacing them with self-service counters. Customers were frustrated with higher prices before and during COVID-19, but lower wages will force employees to strike and boycott these stores, leading to higher costs and long unemployment lines. However, these mandates will put a chokehold on the underserved population. However, Costco has toed the line and has not given in to MAGA and Trump enforcement, however, most CEOs will remain unaffected as they will benefit from the US tax code to increase their daily wealth anyway.      

Extremists are destroying our daily lives step by step despite the warning signs in 2008. Still, many refused to listen when the MAGA megaphones were blasting throughout the country even though many of them were not in power when the fire started. Many sang Kumbaya in their local churches instead of fighting back as King Jr. did with reckless abandonment. Our government has collapsed, no government employees are safe in America, and there are no real-life Spartan movements to save us all because they now have weapons of mass destruction only like the former President Bush and Co-President Musk and his eldest son as shown during the recent press conference in the Oval Office. It was clear who was in charge of the country. We are being destroyed by millions of tarantulas and brown widow spiders, paralyzing us from top to bottom.

The nation is stunned but not surprised by the web of unconsciousness causing mind games and muscle spasms throughout our populations, leaving the mindless helpless with widespread racial discrimination and bigotry against all that are not rich and, at the same time, depleting and dislodging our reality. These devils live among members of Congress with incompetence and no conscience, always trying to justify the misuse of power and, at the same time, decreasing the Democratic abilities to have a stronger nation where everyone has a piece of the pie. Congress is allowing the gutting of our government with the watchful eyes of North Korea, China, the Soviet Union, NATO, and South Africa who see us as weak with an unstable military and government to defend this country from domestic and international terrorists. They are watching but God is watching as well!

America's defense will be broken, and minorities won’t be willing to defend this country because they feel insignificant to those in power and will not feel obligated by the barriers of a segregated workplace and society. The white-only ruling class that led South Africa once before blacks were liberated from the Apartheid system of racial segregation will have to enforce issues of democracy before 1948-1900 when Black South African people were oppressed in a system dominated by one racial makeup the white man. The US with immigrant Co-President Musk plans to destroy our freedom inside out with more oligarchs’ rulers. Just over 61% of the federal government workforce identifies as white, while 18.2% identifies as Black. These figures are higher than the overall percentage of Americans identifying as white (54.4%), (19.5%) Hispanic, and Black (12.6%), so why are they continuing this massacre of those who don’t look like them?

Minorities will no longer be compelled to fight for this nation anymore because of excessive hatred stored by this administration and citizens with racist dispositions. It would be the tipping point for so many Americans feeling alienated like the Tuskegee Airmen, Buffalo Soldiers, Sgt Henry Johnson (Black Death), and my good friend General Colin Powell, who would have been embarrassed to strengthen America but if he was alive to witness what is happening to his Republican party and to millions of African American men and women who would be unwilling to serve in any branch of the US armed forces to battle the forces of fascism domestically and abroad them we will lose any war. Battling racism in the United States and the US military is not going to happen again because most veterans like me witnessed injustice during the wars, especially the Vietnam War.

Black Americans fought with distinction in every theater of the war with units included the 332nd Fighter Group, which shot down 112 enemy planes during 179 bomber escort missions over Europe, and the 761st Tank Battalion, which served in General George S. Patton’s Third Army. Major General Willard S. Paul of the 26th Division singled out the 761st for special praise after its first action in France by writing, “I consider the 761st Tank Battalion to have entered combat running toward the enemy with such conspicuous courage and success that warranted special commendation for all.” African Americans also served in equally vital positions throughout the Army as nurses, engineers, truck drivers, gunners, and paratroopers, and have always won the battle.

Despite the number of Black Americans who served in the military during wartime, their representation in civilian government roles was considerably lower due to pervasive racial discrimination. They were often relegated to menial jobs within the government, even when performing crucial work in defense industries. One million African American men and women served in every branch of the US armed forces during World War II. In addition to battling the forces of Fascism abroad, these Americans also battled racism in the United States and the US military. The Army, Navy, and Marine Corps all segregated African Americans into separate units because of the belief that they were not as capable as white service members. Adding to this indignity, the Army frequently assigned White officers from the American South to command Black infantrymen.

Are you tired of democracy mentally draining and fatiguing your ability to think or occupy the true power words of W.E. B. DuBois in 1963 who was told to leave America? Therefore, Musk attempted to relocate African Americans from the United States to South Africa for exchanging  Africans of the former Apartheid residences, and God will refuse this undertaken by this administration for his people. Musk, Trump, and his Maga evangelists members of Congress will not win by pouring false hope and hatred from the pulpit when we have faith warriors like Rev Dr. William Barber, Rev Dr. Frederick D. Haynes II, Rev. Dr. Kevin Muriel, Re. Dr. Pastor Jamal Byrant, Bishop Woody W White, Bishop Alfred L Norris, and thousands of other spiritual leaders across the globe defending God's gates from the evil of Congress and this administration. God is covering our steps by giving us the peace of understanding that is running through our veins, defying the injustices, led by God's elite soldiers erasing us from the existence of evil, much like King Leonidas, portrayed by Gerard Butler, who leads his 300 Spartans against the army of Xerxes and the Persian army.

We are refueling our lives despite what is happening in the Whitehouse because God eliminates falsehoods by interjecting grace and his glory as we depend on his words. Despite the principles of man and its Constitution signed on September 17, 1787, by evil slaveholders. Surprising by the pervasive web of unconsciousness, it creates mind games and muscle spasms in people's minds, leaving them helpless with widespread racial discrimination. This systematic oppression has severely diminished our strength as a nation, especially in defense production, despite significant barriers like evil.

References of resistance-

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" is a satirical poem and Black Liberation song by Gil Scott-Heron. Scott-Heron first recorded it for his 1970 album Small Talk at 125th and Lenox, on which he recited the lyrics, accompanied by congas and bongo drums.

"To Be Young, Gifted and Black" is a song by Nina Simone with lyrics by Weldon Irvine. Simone introduced the song on August 17, 1969, to a crowd of 50,000 at the Harlem Cultural Festival, captured on broadcast video tape and released in 2021 as the documentary film Summer of Soul. 

“We Shall Overcome” was the most popular song during the Civil Rights Movement. It was the unofficial anthem of the movement, providing hope and comfort to protesters.

What was the Civil Rights Movement in the 1800s? The Civil Rights movement (1865–1896) aimed to eliminate racial discrimination against African Americans, improve their educational and employment opportunities, and establish their electoral power just after the abolition of slavery in the United States



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