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Nepotism is Favoritism, Dennis S Murray sr

We reelect President Obama with the problems that persisted in the world of economics and didn’t select Republican candidate Mitt Rommery whom claims to have had America’s vision in the grasp of his hand, but many of the underserved didn’t feel that way about him and some didn’t feel President Obama either. Who became our savior and voice of the American people? Who do you really believe, none of the above!

Since 2008 many people have lost everything that they have worked very hard for throughout their adult professional life and in 2013 people are still losing everything in numbers and those that put us in this mess just got richer. The job market has proven that regardless of your professional aptitude nepotism plays a key role in many of those that are selected to gain and secure employment. However, Discrimination is not the dirty word in the market place of 2013 anymore even though African American unemployment rate continues to double while white unemployment rate deceases. This is not something that is new in the 21st Century, this has been going on sense slavery was abolished. We live in a white dominate society where white males are the most powerful individuals in America, for what ever reason these factors are true. Just review years of the Forbes Magazine 400 and you will capture the corporations that run America and some foreign countries as well. Many of them are white males over the age of 55 and on there second or third marriages but they run the United States of America.    

Despite these factors the power lye’s in those that have the money with Wall Streets powerful alliances to whom they feel worthy and promised to help. The Presidential elect is no different. They only employ those that make enormous contribution to they campaigns and provide the jobs to those that the big donators request of them. You often find former corporations CEO’s and CFO in key positions and many of these individuals were the key players in disrupting the economy in 2008 which allowed many to lose everything they worked for. Wall Street employees have not lost a red cent sense 2008 nor have any of them seen the inside of a jail cell. Many of them that cause this financial disruption were just able to walk away from their jobs with large severance packages, only land bigger positions with another financial institution. Favoritism!

James Dimon, 56, CEO of JP Morgan admitted to losing $5.8 billion dollars to Congress in a trading loss, but also admits that the money will not bring JP Morgan down. He also admits that even though many financial expects that made bad trades are needed despite there wrong doings in this industry. However, if you are working as a bank teller or manager at JP Morgan and you lost $100,000 dollars you are fired immediately and perhaps arrested for alleged fraud. Nepotism or Favoritism to the powerful only is the key here. A poor performance rating should tarnish your reputations or make others reluctance to hiring you again, but this is not the case among powerful political whites in America. It’s not discrimination it’s just Nepotism and Favoritism.  This is how our government and Congress work their problems out among each other. You get promoted for hurting those you serve, if you don’t play ball and keep your mouth closed you get fired and blackballed.  

We need to look at our selves and understand that if we continue to allow these political, government, and corporate heads to destroy our livelihood then we deserve everything thing we get.

Voting for none of the above like the “1995 blockbuster movie “Brewster’s Million” staring the late Richard Pryor as Montgomery “Monty” Brewster an African American millionaire tired of the political process was victorious in the movie. But that’s non-fiction and the political process would have not let it happen the way the movie ended.

The November 2012 election should have been about the people and not the candidates because both Democratic or Republicans really don’t’ care about your well being when they are spending $314 millions dollars in just August 2012 alone to bash each other and tell more lies when the unemployment rate nationally is still over 8.3% and 14.5% for African Americans and 7.4% for whites and people are still losing their jobs and the over 50 are entering poverty or committing suicide. We should have voted for “None of the Above” or Nepotism will keep its ugly head over us. However, we didn’t do that and the scandals keep on coming with President Obama, Congress, and Corporations.

If you were 50 years plus and looking for a job in your profession you are out of luck or just out in the cold even as a Military Veteran who fought for your country the United States of America. Age discrimination in the workplace has raisin too new heights while many 50 plus and Military Veterans were pushed into poverty during the 2008 crisis when they lost everything they worked for and became homeless from fighting a war or wars upon returning home. Despite President Obama programs he still doesn’t control these corporations, Congress, nor- government and many don’t give a d… either.  In 2013 the life that once was is still looking bleak for many five years later and Nepotism for the powerful is killing America’s hope for life especially if you are over 50, a minority, or Military Veteran.               


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