Written by, Dennis S Murray Sr.
It’s been about three years now sense Former President Bush allowed many American’s to lose their life saving, homes, took us into two Wars, and more. However, for the present two and a quarter years President Obama has tried to reason with Congress to pass regulations, policy, and bills to get our economy on its feet, but we continue to see gridlock in our political system as Congressional members fight like selfish children for the last piece of the pie. We have many common sense programs or policies that can help the American people stay in their homes and get back to work once again, but common sense is not what we are dealing with when it comes to our political system.
Even though President Obama has drop the ball on occasion himself we shouldn’t abandon simple principles that can govern our lives better by being courageous and not stupid. Their is plenty of the blame to go around regardless of whom you talk to say; Michael Moore on December 6 on the Piers Morgan Show on CNN but Wall Street Bankers hold the award for most corrupt. President Obama mainstream advisors from Wall Street and corporate businesses have continued to steer his Administration in the wrong direction while Goldman Sachs and others keeps a major hold and control over the White House and Congressional leaders. Sometime you wonder what they are thinking! Hmmm
The Black Friday commercials gimmicks got people to spend money they don’t have and this is a great example of stupidity. We rush to the stores that hike up prices anyway prior too getting there which leads to another downward spiral as a nation with additional declined in revenue going into 2012. Wait and see your 2012 bills when it’s due. These television commercial sales ads are helping us to buy ourselves into more debt with no tomorrow in site. Where is the fiscal discipline to rebuild this nation like Mad Money, Jim Cramer on CMBC said to recapture our wealth once again?
We have seen to much corruption and greed in a time that we should be analyzing the problems and turning the smoke alarm off. The smoke alarm has been going off in congress and the White House, but knows one has turned it off or can they feel the American people grasping for air.
On December 4, 2011 CBS 60 Minutes provided another wakeup call regarding our congressional leaders whom continue to defraud American taxpayers with legal insider trading corruption. Regardless of how you might feel insider trading is legal in Congress, partly because they write the rules to make it legal under the law says’ Legal Analysis, Jerry Tobin of CNN. Ask Martha Stewart, how she felt going to jail for insider trading, perhaps if she was in Congress she wouldn’t have spent 6 moths in federal jail.
The average Facebook, Linkedin, Blackplanet, and twitter follower are not interested in these facts nor are they using these tools to alert others of the misleading political leaders that grace the halls of congress and in your state. Everyone was following President Obama 2007 elections through these social networking tools, why are we not using them to exploit these Congressional leaders to the fire pit of hell. We are so engaged in sideshow conversation about someone’s family member’s “Kardashians” reality shows, and latest concert, but we lack the interest to use these social tools for real discussion about the further of America.
We should know by now the Corporate America wouldn’t throw you a life line if your life depended on it. Recently in Atlanta, GA; JP Morgan Chase Bank which received $25 Billions of the 700 Billion Bailout funds was prepared to foreclose on a home of this 103 year old women and her daughter which is 88 years old during the Thanksgiving holiday. The JP Morgan Chase Bank order Federal Marshals to put them in the street while her 88 years old daughter Kathelyn Cornelius had to be rush to the emergency room because she couldn’t take the pressure of being evicted as Channel 2 Action News looks on and reported the story vigorously. Many were outraged that this was going on. However, the 103 year mother kept her faith and faith prevailed because of her belief in God despite Atlanta’s Mayor, Kasim Reed calling the Bank to stop this problem at the last hour. She knew that her God wouldn’t let her down. Everyone except the JP Morgan Chase Bank with $25 Billion in they pocket wanted to help these pillars of life stay in their home.
How does the Board of Directors and the CEO, James Dimon sleep at night knowing that they could have avoided this situation and not cause the health of these beautiful elderly souls to go arid. Who allows a 103 year old lady to take out another mortgage on their house? JP Morgan Chase Bank has to have some passion for others after receiving a bailout of $25 Billion, thereafter paying their executives hefty bonuses with that same bailout money in 2008-10. They could have bailout this family with the tax of one executive bonus check. But harassment is what these elderly women got until faith step-in. This is just one of the reasons that we should have let those Banks and those corporate worms drown in there mess because they don’t care about anyone but themselves.
Now we are getting gear up for another “Yes you can” speak from President Obama. What can he or the Republicans tell us now. How will they spin the American people that are already confused and broken from the collapse of the economy with no way out? The jobs are not there unless you have a friend in Congress or you rob a bank, sell drugs, and just beg everyone you see. Some like Congress!
Recently, a friend asked me a question regarding unemployment and your credit rating. Could your credit rating stop you from getting a good job? The answer is yes! So I pose the question to a American Express representative on November 17th and she tool me that we probably would not hired anyone with bad credit. My reply question was, if people have lost their homes and life saving due to no fault of they own, how would anyone get on their feet in this is economy if this is your policy. She replied, I am sorry unfortunately this is our policy. This is common among many corporations and businesses in America. We need to take a hard look at what is policy with these corporation and business practices and boycott for reform, sense we bailed them out.
When you get that call or email from an elected official wanting your donation, vote, or your volunteerism time, ask the real question about what they plan to do in changing your life now and get it in writing. Maybe we will see America grow in the right direction if we made them sign a legal contract.
Perhaps, but I doubt it!
When will we stand for something in America beside the $$$$$
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