Editorial Statement
What in the world are our political officials doing with our votes? When are we as a people going to wake-up and firer them all? What happen to marching or standing up for freedom, like Dr. King Jr., Gandhi, Sojonior Truth, Megar Evans, Vernon Jones, Dorothy Height, and many more that were courageous in their faith for what is just.
We didn’t really fight for our rights when Wall Street and our Banking Institution destroyed our way of living, nor did we say anything about 1 Billion spent on the pass Presidential campaign when millions are unemployed, homeless, hungry, and just down right tried. The 435 members of congress are not unemployed, homeless, hungry, nor are they tired of feeding the America people more Bull…t.
The Cliff hanger that both parties are waving over our heads only hurt us the America people (poor, undeserved, disenfranchised). The rich or so call middle class are feeling safe from these problems, because they can still eat and live in their homes. How many of you Americans have lost everything you own: home, 401k, saving, job, your pride, divorced, committed suicide, and more due to the problems our government has cause us. How many of them have return any money lost and went to jail for this fraud. None!
Why are we so divided when we are all suffering from the hands of government, state, local, county? Everyday you hear from our media outlets that fraud is still occurring in the governmental system and our politicians are front in center of the problems. From the report of Veteran Affairs with 60 minutes, General Electric (CEO) discussing outsourcers to Asia, giving 600 million to Israel, the killing of youth in Chicago , the top 5 states that lead in starving our children, and numerous others issues that plague us as a Nation.
Where are our leaders in the community and across this country? When will these corporations really start hiring Veterans? When will the people go to the streets in Washington , DC and across this country like the past leaders of the civil rights movement did? When……………………………………….. will we have had enough?
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