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2016 Editorial Statement of the Same in 2017

2016 Editorial Statement of the Same in 2017

By Dennis S Murray Sr.

In 2008 President Obama and Former President George Bush allowed the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 that cost about 152 billions dollars, but this bill allowed financial institutions to keep their doors opened, avoid personal and corporate liability, avoid foreclosure of  their homes, continue to send their children to great or any school, feeding their families, and more because the Government and Wall Streets wasn’t concerns about the millions of homeowners and their 401 K retirement plan because greed exceed the millions of those that lost everything. After seven plus years millions of Americans have not recoup any thing from their losses nor have they retained a credit standard to get off the sinking ship.

President Obama and all of the Congressional members have not helped the American people with lifeguard vest or a life line, because they have been fighting like infant babies starving for attention. Special interest groups have taken over our democracy and left a nation that had a rich soul with tears of despair. Our underserved and disenfranchised children and their communities continue to suffer in every state in America and homelessness is at a record high, home foreclosure are up in 2016, and our Veterans who fought in war’s sense Vietnam with numerous Veteran Administration (VA) Secretaries and hundreds of VA scandals are still in tears while dyeing.

Instead of standing for the American people and wiping America’s tears away, Wall Street and Goldman Sachs along with all those financial institutions are enjoying the riches from the government ball-outs with less banking regulations and more banking fees to the underserved communities in America. However, Republicans Spent $20.5 Million of the American taxpayers money on Benghazi Probe and trying to convict the Democratic nominee for President Hillary Clinton of wrong doing and also spent additional $6.8 million to date, at a rate of 8,000 per day, while the Republican committee chairman presents false information to the press, not including the $7,233,370 dollars spent on investigating of Hillary’s emails. What is happening in America?

Do we really care about Hillary’s emails when thousand of children are not being educated nor fed in this country? Should we be so focus on Republican nominee for President Donald Trump who has no conscience and will never do anything for the underserved, our veterans, homelessness, and more in this country while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton continue to fund her Wall Street friends and other elite business concerns while keeping the underserved in the toilet. Is this her fault alone? Are their really a different between the two? Yes, I get it we have to vote for one or the other it’s the American way but the violence of our citizens needs to stop and their both seem clueless. Who will stop it?        

While Benghazi investigations overwhelm national media we continue to witness police violently of killing an estimate of 986 unarmed Blackman and Children since 2015 with no convictions of these officers. In 2016 we have witness police being killed as well, but not at the same alarming rate as others than God. We should never link the bad with the good but those good police officers need to stand up and denounce those rotten apples that devalue the police force nationwide. However, police officers like Congressional members don’t pay a price for their wrong doing, while we still grief for the death of those beautiful angels of Sandy Hook and our babies on the Southside of Chicago and other nationwide.

The 2016 election will cost an estimate of five ($5) billion dollars and known of those dollars has stop the killing of our children, fathers, brothers, uncles, aunts, mothers, and husband nor is that money going to help the thousand of Veteran sitting in limbo waiting after 15 plus years on their appeals for the Disability Veteran Benefits, despite the VA 2015 IG report and scandal. We have millions of Veterans from the Vietnam to Iraq war still waiting on the Disability and Health Benefits and many have died in this process, but national media utters constant silences for them, our Veterans? Five billion dollars spend for what for a Presidential election. We could have use a fraction of that money to help the underserved, but we don’t care.    

We are always discussing inequality in this country but we never change the landscape and the faces of that conversation. You never see any of these political gutless politicians walking through the ghetto, undeserved, nor disenfranchised neighborhoods kissing babies and securing the promise of America to them. These undeserved communities like the Southside Chicago; SE Washington, DC; Ferguerson, MO; Jackson, MS; Baltimore, MD and more continue to be wipe off the map when it comes to the people in need. Are you telling me race has nothing to do with this! Someone out there, tell me that this isn’t true in this new millennium of millennia’s?
Studies have shown young African American (Black males) who graduate from Universities and Colleges are underemployed twice as whites with no college degree. The Department of Labor has a new study that finds 12.4 percent of black male college graduates were unemployed or underemployed, as they interview for a position, they are automatically ask different questions than white. For all college graduates, the unemployment rate stood at just 5.6 percent. But our society continues to tell our black males that if you go to college and graduate you will obtain a good job when you graduate. But our Presidential candidates are not thinking about you, because President Obama tried but he failed because Congressional members didn’t feel it was in their best interest to pass clean educational reform bills.  

What will the American people do in November 2016 with two candidates and a congress that never care about you and your needs? Expect in 2017 the government will be shut down again, more VA scandals and Veteran’s dyeing, more Wall Street and Banking scandals, and more of the same for the underserved and disenfranchised America’s.      


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