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Perception of the People’s (Domestic and World Politics)

Dated: September  16, 2016

Academic Published Paper

Perception of the People’s (Domestic and World Politics)

By Dennis S Murray Sr.


The mirror images of our political agenda that has changed the world and its constitution on domestic and world politics in America and abroad is described within a system that has been anchored only by discourse and manipulation driven by schematic reasoning and enduring rivalries of our governing bodies both domestically and in world politics.
I would like to begin discussing the transatlantic slave trading and their responsibility for the forced migration between 12 - 15 million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the middle of thee 15th century to the end of the 19th century. The trafficking of Africans males and females by elite European countries during this period is sometimes referred to by African scholars as the Maafa ('great disaster' in Swahili). It's now considered a crime against humanity but them it was just economic business as usual. The slave trade not only led to the violent transportation overseas of millions of Africans but also critical health issues that led to the deaths of millions more even during the extended Jim Crow area that alienated a race of people and communities. 

Nobody knows the total number of people who died during slave raiding and wars in Africa but what we know is that during transportation and imprisonment, or in horrendous conditions during the so-called Middle Passage, the voyage from Africa to the Americas is related to a terrorist act against humanity even in today standards. So why was it justified them?  The kidnapping of Africans occurred mainly in the region that now stretches from Senegal to Angola. However, in the 19th century some enslaved Africans were also transported across the Atlantic from parts of eastern and south-eastern Africa. I wanted analysis this subject in displaying the theoretical challenges that were derived between the America and the British to engage in such a violent act towards a race of people that have been endangered from losing their ancestral heritage, even with these issues of a population of cultural globalization barriers and boundaries we have eliminated humanity and our moral characters for the future generations.    

All the major European powers were involved in this enterprise, but by the early 18th century, Britain became the world’s leading slave trading power. It’s estimated that British ships were responsible for the forced transportation of at least 2-3 million African’s in that century.  But we continue to look at the US and Britain as the pillar’s of the world when their impact of world politics was dominated by ugliness and cognitive dissonance when we had one sided internalize events that led to the “belief that one’s own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions” quoted by Paul Watzlawick, Austrian psychologist page 11. 

This led to me ask why the political powers of both nations felt this was the right and humane thing to do to a group of people but refuse to acknowledge that pain suffered by those African slaves by the US Congressional members and the British Parliament. The actions of each transnational actor-individual, collectively, and with various degrees of influence shape the trend that has transformed the world politics into the 20th Century, despite scholar’s criticism to some degree that African weren’t brave enough to break this cycle of life even now with regards to African Americans and people of color injustice, poverty, heath disparities, and education which is recognized worldwide. Because Victoria Stafford on page 392 quotes” Once you have glimpsed the world as it might be, as it ought to be; as its going to be (however that vision appears to you), its is impossible to live complaint and complacent anymore in the world as it is       

This quote should have embodied the thoughts of these political strategies imposed by the US and Britain to ultimately trickled down into the 21st Century when it comes to workplace slavery for underserved African Americans and minorities especially in America by incarnating more Blacks in history than were slaves or the enslaving of children worldwide. We have an estimated 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — living in squatter communities making less than $2.50 a day and in some places in the world that’s a monthly salary. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty and this consist of ethnic groups worldwide, however the US poverty rate dropped below 14 percent last year, a modest decline to 13.5 percent from 14.8 percent in 2014 that signaled the need for new ideas and global structural changes to reducing poverty rather than any major breakthrough, but American politicians alone spend billions on elections in one year instead of spending that money to decreased the poverty rate with our global partners. This continues to feel like slavery of the 15th-19th century because the working class all over the world never seems to have enough to feed their families, simply because the rich slavery master (political elite EU/G20 member) are still in playing a big part worldwide dividing a countries despite the work the International organizations (IGO’s) and Nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s) which has focus on these disenfranchised regions of the world, but the political elites of Venezuela, Africa, Haiti, India, China, US, and more by  not providing better housing, socials services, and education to improve the quality of the underserved. Despite, the growing population in these regions around the world it is very hard to catch up to growth when as the population of the planet is increasing thereby considering standards of population control. 

However, the three levels of influences such as Global, State or internal and individual influences figure 1.1 pages 14 that focus on foreign policy are losing the political fight necessary to sustain resources for all people. Page 393. We have to separate multiple political arguments through different categories or levels to bring about change in the world by predicting and recognizing what influences are still operating in the same methodology that can help drive the force of the rebirth of nation drowning in despairs. We are witnessing a changing of the guard through the 2016 Presidential elections and many Americans are not pleased with either candidate. These segments are view worldwide. But we can look at various levels of change that reflects individual level of analysis, page 14, that is dominated by personal characteristics of human beings, including those responsible for making important decisions on behalf of state and nonstate actors, as well as ordinary citizens whose behavior has an important political consequences such as Vernon John a Civil Rights Activist and Pastor who represented people who was disenfranchised during the human and civil rights era at Dexter Baptist church prior to Martin Luther King Jr. Activist. Mr. John was considered pioneers of the movement toward equal justices but, we all no that equal justice doesn’t exist. 

But in the 21st century continues to show us a new extended war on race, religion and gender which has erupted when limitations of liberalism paved the way for institutionalism theories that emerged in the 1990’s. Through the expansion of trade, communication, cyber information, technology, and migrant labor are just a portion of our sovereign independence created through our new political and economic unions. But contemporary liberal institutionalism many seen at the onset of the twenty-first century, many realists complain that is has not transcended its idealist heritage, because they charge that just like the League of Nations and the PCIJ page 33, institutions today exert minimal influence on state behavior thus allowing exploitation of individual and human dignity among fragile nations. International organizations cannot stop states from behaving according to balance of power logic, calculating how each strategic move effects their relative position in a world of relentless competition. Reference: Former President George W Bush of the US and Former President Saddem Hassan (deceased) of Iraq; and we all are familiar with the outcome of relentless competition between the too that inflicted such harm to our US military personal and they families with the propaganda and influences of relentless attaches in America to engage in war against Iraq in 2003 that displaced people fleeing the country.    

However, if we really use collective security in dealing with the evils in the world we should have not assume that every nation perceives the challenges to the international order in the same way we as the United States see things. But understand other challenges that might disrupt the boundaries of each nation common concerns by settling dispute through alliances the reflect mechanisms that support a more universal collectivity and not to assume that every bodies problem is the United States. Through these chapters I read more about the propaganda in peace building and peace enforcement but why is the liberals and constructivist views on war, peace, and morality not reflected from the political elite worldwide. While reading about the democracy and crisis that sufficiently rouses to the attention and activity of a large proportion of the population that is underserved worldwide and not reboot in order for a immediate large scale changes in policy during past and present slavery, current environmental issues, century of child hunger and racism; and discrimination worldwide sense 1835. However, French political sociologist Alexis de Tocqueville argued in 1835, democracies may be inclined to impulse rather than prudence. I feel that we as a people over react to issues that can be solved more with the right people at the table through preventive diplomacy and not through global threats like North Korea missile testing; Russia and China cyber wars; and the US medaling in everybody’s issues. These counties and others representing the elite power in the world, but often don’t settle dispute collectively as humanitarians and military rivals.   
However, today paradox prevails that many pairs of great power that are most active communications alliance partners are also great military rivals as we mentioned above, but the key question is whether economic and civil cooperation will help to reduce the potential for military competition in the future of our arms nuclear race. Many of these partners like Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, China, and Russia that have nuclear strength and are partial allies of the US, but they too have extreme injustice toward the poor and women in their country as well as the US. But in the US we look forward to our future as we address world politics with baby steps backwards regarding race, discrimination, and extreme poverty in the land of the free. Every few year we witness documentaries like 13th, Birth of Nations, Hamilton, Lincoln, and more screenplay films, and publishing (Sellout, by Dr.& Professor Randal Kennedy), that reveals additional actions taken by a class of people that still reflect the Jim Crow insensitivity of morality towards others.   
Documentary: 13th, Birth of Nation, Hidden Colors
Publishing: Sellout by-Dr.& Professor Randal Kennedy; Race Matters by-Dr. & Professor Cornel West; World Politics (Trend &Transformation), by-Shannon Blanton & Charles W. Kegley



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