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Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk are going to the Moon while the undeserved are still sitting inside of a Bottle-


Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk are going to the Moon while the undeserved are still sitting inside of a Bottle-By Dennis S Murray Sr.   

Recently my good friend illustrated through his art work a “person sitting inside of a bottle trying to read the label”.

: Marcellus Jackson

Immediately a light bulb started flashing about the equities that have faced our  undeserved community for decades  before, despite the Covid pandemic that ripped over 600 thousand and counting lives from there families across America and millions around the world. But the pandemics is not over with us yet, while Congress continues to rip each other apart with who was right during the horrific insurrectionists that storm the Washington Capital Building sending all members of Congress crippling for cover, but those same Republicans still denied it happen, change voting laws in Republican led states, but the people of America are asking for each party to their job and pass legislation that helps everyday Americans especially the 90%. But as they sit idly by and watch more incidence Americans die because a group of people don’t want to continue to protect themselves from others by wearing a mash to avoid this knew variant virus that have already killed love ones because they were unvaccinated. You never go to war without your M16 so why go to war without your Mash.                                                                                                        

The Delta Variant will kill you if we continue to challenge it and not listen to the medical professionals and stop passing on misinformation about given up your civil liberties but if you are dead them your civil liberties don’t mean “a hill of beans” i.e. nothing. As we gathers ourselves for the third quarters and our young people are off too their prospective education institutions we have to resolve our differences and work together because some one from your family might die before Thanksgiving or Christmas from this deadly virus see below.

SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant, also known as lineage B.1.617.2, is a variant of lineage B.1.617 of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It was first detected in India in late 2020. The World Health Organization named it the Delta variant on 31 May  

Their so many issues looming in 2021-22 regarding our political climate with the courts busy making decision regarding woman the right to choose and equal pay, your right to vote freely in a fair election, obstructionist congressional leadership with in the Republican party, gerrymandering, and numerous other ways or reason cheapen your vote. This feels like enslavement. Therefore, what are the

Democratic waiting on an invitation from Senator McConnell to free the slaves; and we know where that going for minorities in America. Many want to see black and brown people back in chains like the blockbuster movie Antebellum. The filibuster ruling is just one of the tools President Biden has to change legislation, but what is he afraid of because the Republicans would shut door in his face and throw away the Senate and House keys forever if they could. Voting on HR1 is just one of many voting right bills sitting gathering dust in the Senate but if all Americans want to move forward each of the three legislative branch of government needs to step up and care for its people. Our democracy will be challenged in 2022-24 and are we headed into a autocratic society ruling by the unknown set of rules by the Republicans party who are looking to put former President Trump and his party back in office.

Black and Brown disenfranchised Americans have always felt shut out of democracy and this year is no different. The health care and education for people of color feels like the ship has continues to sail and a majority of them don’t have a seat at the table as they are idly over looked or just not seen despite the protesting, marching, and voting for basic right. But it doesn’t have to be that way if we can celebrate some form of unity between each other while defeating oppression establishment without losing your human rights or life like George Floyd and many decades before him asking for your last breath as Police Officer Derrick Chavin sits comfortably with his hands in his pocket sucking the life out of Mr. Floyd on his neck eliminating his breath from his body to deaf.  

Many Black and Brown lives were taken from us by simply feeling like they fear for they lives and perhaps they did fear for their lives but it has to be a better way to allow everyone to go home at night or day to see and be with their families once again. Our society in American is not different from others it just that we somewhat type of freedom because of the constitution is supposed to give you that right but the constitution wasn't written to suppress or marginalize a group of people. But It only allows those with judiciary power and the wealthy. It aggressively destroys Black and Brown people's communities and recaptures women while neglecting them fair wages for work like the WNBA. Many don’t think about why the constitution was written because it wasn’t written to abolish and cruel punishment to Black and Brown people because slave ships were still making it way in the US after slavery ended .



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