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Black Wall Street Symposium 

written by Dennis S Murray Sr

I attended the Black Wall Street in Atlanta, Georgia and now it looks like we are being inundated with supply vendors, financial representatives, government officials, and county personalities. I feel that we have just begun to anchor a new journey of entrepreneurship turning your business needs into a flourishing opportunity for its residents in the Atlanta, Georgia regional area. For years we have not focused our attention on what we need in our neighborhood and continue to make excuses on why we can’t own the community store, dry cleaners, HVAC services, and more but complain because the immigrants have come to this country and have done what we should be doing, but Black Wall has taken us back in history and has given us all the reason why we need to stop saying I can’t do and band together like our ancestors have done and start creating legendary movements that breath financial power. In 2024 our communities with the help of Black Wall Street. County commissioners and our neighboring Mayors can change the dynamics that cultivate small businesses by liberating the political landscape that limits our ability for success. Black business owners have products and services to sell that will expand our daily lives and during the expo, the speakers provided solutions on a variety of topics ranging the medical team of Dr. Preston Smith and Dr. Janis Smith who spoke about keeping your eyes healthy because they play a vital role in your ability to have quality of life, especially when it comes to our children’s learning behavior habits and for many underserved children eye sites that have gone unchecked and commonly improperly misdiagnosed do to lack of healthcare or because the parents are not educated enough to see the warning signs of their child's ability to focus in school. Today was special for many who had not been aware of the homegrown terrorist attack on the community of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the violence that killed thousands of Blacks living peacefully in Tulsa, Oklahoma as business owners under attack destroying their businesses as they burned to the ground by the county and federal government that sit idly by and never to aid these Black business owners while watching their love ones die from the fire that light up the sky for no reason except for jealousy, something Black still go through in 2024. We have numerous stories of terrorist attacks on our black communities mainly because racism and discrimination are like a virus in this country that spreads like California wildfires with lies and deceit from our political leaders Republicans and Democrats who watch black and underserved dissolve like acid. The greed and constantly sound bits and talking points are the only help Black communities get and for too long, Black communities have sat by and let the unthinkable happen that harm our communities with redistricting, poverty in our school system, racial basis, and improper care for our Veterans especially those from Vietnam some 65 years ago but we are still greeted by thanking us for service from the likes of our politician that are money mongols that ultimately care for self regardless of what color you are and if you are black it's entirely worst for you, but they still want your vote. Go figure. We also give those political activists in Washington, DC that appear on national networks too much weight in our lives not being aware of the issues and the undying freedom that they want to take from you all. Voting should have consequences and we should stop giving it away as if it's a bag of M&M’s. As we begin to head to the polls to elect a President, Congressional seats, and Federal judges we need to become wise like the survivor known as
Mother Viola Ford Fletcher who came up through the burning building and her home that was decimated by violence in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she is still the key to survival in this country as she so elegantly demonstrated strength on the Black Wall Street stage in her wheelchair telling us from her lips of red and her flourish smiles that we as a race need to keep on fighting for what is right. Her soft-spoken voice gave us first-hand accounts of the killing of her family along with thousands of black business owners including children, but
Mother Viola Ford Fletcher is here with us telling her story at 110 years old. When you reflect on this massacre, it is terrorism and should be comparable to 911 because 911 was infiltrated by foreigners that killed incident families for no reason Still, the Tulsa massacre was by the whites who lived in Tulsa simply because they were outraged by Black savvy business owners and was Tulsa community judge and jury that whip out these lives. Jealousy is that evil tool that spreads nationally and black business owners have been disproportionately affected from getting proper funding from financial institutions that reside in their communities and often neglected as not worthy to do business with, but Black Wall Street and other civil mindful organizations are here for you to better relay your pertinent information that’s demonstrate greatness in the black community. When it came to education Epo’s panel speakers on education were highlighted by Dr. Braque TalleyVice President of Student Affairs at Alabama A&M University and Dr. Victoria Seals President, Atlanta Technical College in Atlanta Georgia who provided key information about the operations of their institutions and why it is so vital to understand how you can control your pathway thru education. Many educators like Dr. Victoria Seals' primary function is to provide free or affordable assistance for adult education learning at Atlanta Technical College by alleviating costly debt in a community that is suffering economically. Dr. Taylor, says corporate responsibility is extremely important making your voice heard allows you to tactical those major barriers that are lacking for the majority of African-American people who live in his region during the social action panel Erica Young Executive Director of Netflix, egos social

Political Activist, Bruce C Carter referred to establishing the BLACKMALES “Winning” which is a destination for males 12-26 who are hopeless, fatherless, or a father who has children but are not currently taking care of them from being incarcerated. Also helping them see their future through numerous disciplines encourages growth into manhood and at the same time allows you to expand these services to other young male friends and family members into success. Rasheed Clyde, Project Manager of the City of Atlanta, GA a panelist had piggybacked Mr. Carter’s interest in creating safe zones for youth to learn but didn’t elaborate enough on how she would address the issues in City Hall but she was open to meeting with Mr. Carter to expand their conversation about the black males and how their issues resonate throughout the community. Everybody agrees that the Black Wall Street model can exist throughout the region but corporate sponsorship in this region especially those corporations that have taken up residence in underserved areas as I mentioned earlier needs to do more along with Governor Kemp and his Administration to give Georgia citizens who live in those impoverished communities the opportunity to become financially secure and business owners. Black Wall Street represents black business owners nationwide but politics has threatened our democracy just like Mother Viola Ford Fletching the survivor of the massacre in 1921 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Black people in America will survive the onslaught of the political rampage that has destroyed the lives of minorities but Mother Viola Ford Fletching at 110 gives us that megaphone to not get complacent with political parties that have destroyed what our ancestors who were slaves from ships that haul them like cattle throughout this country only to sell them like animals to provide free labor and economic freedom for whites to accomplish generational wealth from the White House, highways, train infrastructure, plantation Farmers, and much more. 2024 slavery continues to exist at its best when you drive along the road and witness prison workers cutting grass and picking up trash on the highways along with providing labor for major corporations through  Core-Civic known as CCA, the corporation that sells prison labor. However, the question should be asking why can’t Core-Civic create a continuous investment fund earmarked that assist black businesses nationwide to help in prison reform by providing grants of direct funding to Black Wall Street and BLACKMALE (Winning) to offset a fraction of what Core-Civic is getting paid by these prisons and prisoners regarding free labor for Wal-Mart, Target, McDonald's, Victoria Secrets, Microsoft, and more by increasing the prisoner pay from .30-$125 per to $2.25-5.00 per. The event was a success with minor hiccups while applauding all the business owners and panelists attending the Black Wall Street Expo as we honor all the black businesses in Atlanta GA and its surrounding counties. I suggest that if you are running a business you should look at Black Wall Street as a place to start or review this website which has business disciples that can help expand your business profile nationally. We can also help you in establishing your business and creating several types of footprints needed to be successful. Black Wall Street's chapters look to continue in all major metropolitan cities so don't be shy and ask your Congressional leadership to pass the reparation bill to allow Mother Viola Ford Fletcher and her family to become hold NOW. Please stop in and say hello to a Black Wall Street representative or visit their website- 


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